International Seminar on Selective Inference
A weekly online seminar on selective inference, multiple testing, and post-selection inference.
Gratefully inspired by the Online Causal Inference Seminar
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Upcoming Seminar Presentations
All seminars take place Mondays at 8:30 am PT / 11:30 am ET / 4:30 pm London / 6:30 pm Tel Aviv. Past seminar presentations are posted here.
Monday, September 30th, 2024 [link to join]
Speaker: Will Fithian (UC Berkeley)
Title: Estimating the false discovery rate of variable selection
Abstract: We introduce a new class of methods for finite-sample false discovery rate (FDR) control in multiple testing problems with dependent test statistics where the dependence is fully or partially known. Our approach separately calibrates a data-dependent p-value rejection threshold for each hypothesis, relaxing or tightening the threshold as appropriate to target exact FDR control. In addition to our general framework we propose a concrete algorithm, the dependence-adjusted Benjamini-Hochberg (dBH) procedure, which adaptively thresholds the q-value for each hypothesis. Under positive regression dependence the dBH procedure uniformly dominates the standard BH procedure, and in general it uniformly dominates the Benjamini–Yekutieli (BY) procedure (also known as BH with log correction). Simulations and real data examples illustrate power gains over competing approaches to FDR control under dependence. This is joint work with Lihua Lei.
Links: [Relevant papers: paper #1]
Monday, October 7th, 2024 [link to join]
Speaker: Lei Shi (UC Berkeley)
Title: Forward selection and post-selection inference in factorial designs
Abstract: Ever since the seminal work of R. A. Fisher and F. Yates, factorial designs have been an important experimental tool to simultaneously estimate the effects of multiple treatment factors. In factorial designs, the number of treatment combinations grows exponentially with the number of treatment factors, which motivates the forward selection strategy based on the sparsity, hierarchy, and heredity principles for factorial effects. Although this strategy is intuitive and has been widely used in practice, its rigorous statistical theory has not been formally established. To fill this gap, we establish design-based theory for forward factor selection in factorial designs based on the potential outcome framework. We not only prove a consistency property for the factor selection procedure but also discuss statistical inference after factor selection. In particular, with selection consistency, we quantify the advantages of forward selection based on asymptotic efficiency gain in estimating factorial effects. With inconsistent selection in higher-order interactions, we propose two strategies and investigate their impact on subsequent inference. Our formulation differs from the existing literature on variable selection and post-selection inference because our theory is based solely on the physical randomization of the factorial design and does not rely on a correctly specified outcome model.
Links: [Relevant papers: paper #1]
The seminars are held on Zoom and last 60 minutes:
45 minutes of presentation
15 minutes of discussion, led by an invited discussant
Moderators collect questions using the Q&A feature during the seminar.
How to join
You can attend by clicking the link to join (there is no need to register in advance).
More instructions for attendees can be found here.
Will Fithian (UC Berkeley)
Jelle Goeman (Leiden University)
Nikos Ignatiadis (University of Chicago)
Lihua Lei (Stanford University)
Zhimei Ren (University of Pennsylvania)
Former organizers
Rina Barber (University of Chicago)
Daniel Yekutieli (Tel Aviv University)
Contact us
If you have feedback or suggestions or want to propose a speaker, please e-mail us at
What is selective inference?
Broadly construed, selective inference means searching for interesting patterns in data, usually with inferential guarantees that account for the search process. It encompasses:
Multiple testing: testing many hypotheses at once (and paying disproportionate attention to rejections)
Post-selection inference: examining the data to decide what question to ask, or what model to use, then carrying out one or more appropriate inferences
Adaptive / interactive inference: sequentially asking one question after another of the same data set, where each question is informed by the answers to preceding questions
Cheating: cherry-picking, double dipping, data snooping, data dredging, p-hacking, HARKing, and other low-down dirty rotten tricks; basically any of the above, but done wrong!